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Happiness Quotes & How To Stay Happy in Life
“Happiness”. It is not a single word or single emotion, it is a bunch of emotions. And it is a result of many of our actions.

There could be many reasons for our happiness. Sometimes it’s our family, it’s our friends, sometimes it’s our spouse and it may also be some materialistic things. Everyone has their reasons for happiness.
Some people enjoy the company of others, while some enjoy their own company.
So, we cannot define happiness but yes, happiness can be particularly explained as something that gives peace to our senses, mind, soul and body.
Happiness is happiness itself.
यूं तो सब वादे करते हैं, खुश रखने के,
पर खुद के सिवा , कोई खुशियां दे नहीं सकता।
How to move on from toxic Relationship
7 Thoughts That Makes us Unhappy in 2023
What Are The Things That Makes Us Unhappy
In our medical field, before studying the treatment we focus on the cause of the disease and I think the same applies everywhere.
No disease can be cured without knowing the cause. So, let’s find the things that are causes of unhappiness and are obstacles in happiness.
Negativity takes all the joy away from the moments. Getting indulged in negative notions make our mind think about the things that don’t happen and we are left unproductive which makes us sad.
So, give up on negativity and focus more on positive thoughts if you want your mind to get enlightened.
A non- satisfying can be proved as bliss and also a curse depends on how it is affecting our mind.
A hunger for success is good but when it becomes greedy for more and more, then it brings more stress in life. And besides celebrating our achievements, we get busy planning the future which in turn takes the cost of our prosperity.
Again, if you crave a well, stress-free life, focus more on your achievements rather than counting your deficiencies.
When we live in the present we are the happiest. It is also said the We can’t change our past and we don’t know our future. So live in present.
We cannot do anything about the past and future, then why waste time regretting the things about which we cannot do anything.
Live the moment at its best, so you need not worry about the past ever.
No matter how good you do, how good you look, how good you become, this world will always pull you down.
WHY get affected by the people that don’t even matter to us.
By criticizing us, they are doing what the minimum they can afford to do, but to become their victim, we are allowing them to destroy ourselves, and this is what they exactly want.
Always do what makes you happy, makes sense to you. Need not worry about what people say and what they think.
Overthinking is like a worm that gobbles everything slowly and we are left without the spark.
We get stuck in thoughts that will even never happen. An overthinker always invites fear, insecurities, pain by digging so much into things.
Overthinking is a toxin.
Alike other factors, expectations also let us down when someone doesn’t stand on your expectations.
Expectations will make you sink in the dreams, that might even not come into the mind of another person.
You get hurt only when you have one of the above cause, that makes you sad for hours to days to weeks.
And hurt brings depressing life.
These are some of the main causes of happiness. There may be many more.
As I said before, that what we convey, we receive. So, be positive, positive results will get your way.
The shit that weighs you down, give up on that shit.
If you love yourself, you won’t rely on somebody else love. Start loving yourself, because only you will go with you, no one else will.
Selflove will stand on all your expectations with demanding, without complaining.
It brings a glow to your face.
If the person that you love the most isn’t changing his ways to reach you to happiness then he is not the one, I assure you.
Just stop making so many efforts for him, that in the process you forget to be happy by yourself.
You can’t change anyone. Love always finds its way. If there is love there is happiness too.
He will give you happiness even before pleading for it.
Make yourself your priority. Everything can wait but not your happiness. Don’t compromise for anything that costs your happiness, your mental health or you’re well being.
All I want to say that no one can make you happy if you are not happy with yourself. Start loving yourself and live your life to the fullest and enjoy every moment as it is the last one.
Let no one affect you with their negative vibes. Stay positive, stay confident, stay optimistic, stay hopeful, stay favourable.
Don’t let anyone disturb your mental peace.
You are a living creature and you deserve to be happy.
Ignore everything that disturbs you.
This article is specially written for you, to make you feel that you are special and everyone deserve to be happy today, always.
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