Attitude Status, Quotes, Captions for IG, FB, WhatsApp 2023

Oliver Jay

Hey, are you looking for the best and latest attitude status to use for your WhatsApp story or need for posting on Instagram or FB?

I don't know why you have been so mean, but I can tell it's not just about the money.
I was angry because you didn't listen to me, so I went away.

Attitude Status 2023

When people are truthful with each other their relationships grow stronger.

In today’s world, Attitude is a mindset and your Status. Why lion is called the king of the jungle? He is not the strongest while the elephant is the strongest. It’s all about the attitude.

It can be found all over the internet. People use them to show their current mood or to show how they feel about a certain situation. There are many different types of attitude and they can vary from positive to negative.

Some people use attitude status to make themselves feel better, while others use it to make fun of someone else. No matter what the reason, it’s a popular way to express oneself online. You can Also Checkout some Boy Attitude Status as well as some Girls Attitude Status.

He said, "What’s wrong?" I replied with a single-word answer: the way you treated me.
Instead of being supportive, I was made to feel like a burden.
I was angry because you didn't listen to me, so I went away.
attitude status about life
A true friend will always remember your birthday, even if they forgot to do something else.
about life in hindi
Don’t forget to forgive the person who has forgotten you.
Choose me or lose your future.
I can be a delight to work with until you provoke me.
for insta
The wise man never risks his life for a fool.
I'm a devil with all the qualities you want in your perfect man.
I know what you're thinking, but it's true!
If you're not ready to let your secrets out, don't worry!
To some people, the real you is something worth knowing.
I don't want people telling me how I should act or speak.
No one was born to be perfect. We all have our flaws, which is what makes us so fascinating!
I write a personal code for myself and I follow it, even if others say no.
copy paste
I make the decisions and you will follow them!
I don't care what anyone else tells you.
There's no room for error when it comes to following my plan!
don't mess with me
I am the captain of my own ship and I make all decisions.
My life is mine to live and I take charge of it.
for youtube
I really can't stand people who don’t listen. 
I’m not going to change for anyone
I don’t know why you find my decisions so hard to understand.
You can either bring positivity into your life or negativity.
One's mindset can change through positive action.
I am the product of everything you do.
How you react to things is what determines your attitude.
Why do I never get a break from you?
A positive mind can help anyone overcome all obstacles in their way
I never thought I had an attitude problem, but now that you mention it.
I know how to handle myself, but please don't make me show you.

Your attitude reflects how you are feeling and what you are thinking at any given moment. You can control your attitude by controlling your thoughts and emotions.

If you’re having a bad day, try to think of something positive to keep your mood up. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth the effort! Having a good attitude will make everything else in life easier too. 

You can’t be a true friend to me if you don't respect my feelings.
I’ve learned to care for myself, which means I won't leave when things get hard.
Some people feel Angelic energy, and others Evil.
Forgive me if I was too bold, but it’s my Attitude.
I’ve beaten up your dog and I'm not even done yet.
I’ve seen it all, I assure you.
Maybe I'm not what you expected.
Maybe I am a monster in your story.

Captions About life

here are some Hindi attitude status about life.

I'm the antagonist in your life story.
I want to be a character in your story.
You can't go back now. It's too late for that.
Loyalty is a rare and valuable treasure.
I'm not one for talking; I prefer to listen.
My silence can be more valuable than any words ever could.
Your attitude to me is a crucial factor in how I feel.
You can make or break my day with the way you act.
Your attitude to me is a crucial factor in how I feel.
My voice changes with every new experience.
The second me is an emotionless version of myself. 
My kindness was never my downfall. 

Use Status background image as well

jalane wale
Be careful not to take my kindness as a weakness!
I have attitude that you don't possess.
I'm sorry, I don't want to hear your opinion.
I am so grateful that you care about me.
Your kindness has made a huge impact on my life.
I'm so glad that we've had the chance to get know one another.
I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you.
You are a breath of fresh air. You make me want to be better, and try harder than ever before!
I won't be around forever, so talk to me.

Reply with these Quotes

I don't want the focus on who I am or what's happening in my life right now- 
I am not a person who feels the need to insult others.
I'll always tell you what's on my mind, even if it kills me.
matlabi log
 I'll never keep a secret from you, even if it kills me.
The only person that would say you're an idiot is someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone else.
I will never let anyone make me feel like I'm an idiot.
It's not your place to know the whole story.

The Best Ones

My pain carries an anger that will never be silenced or ignored.
When it's time for me to speak up about my suffering, this is exactly what I'm thinking.
It's a shame you don't love me.
I've loved you since before we were even friends!"
   You can't make somebody like you, and it doesn’t matter if they do.
It’s just how I dress and carry myself, like a boss!
I'm not all grumpy. It's just my style, you know?
I know you’re probably thinking that my churning lies are just too painful to read, but I really want the truth.
I'm honest and straightforward from day one of our discussion

Cool Captions

Life is too short not to take risks. If you want me, come get me!
Let me take you down a notch and I'll make sure that your existence is all but impossible.
tik tok
Make sure that your existence is all but impossible.
I can't help but feel ignored.
I lose interest when people ignore me.
show my attitude
When you feel like no one cares, it's hard to move on.
real life
I can't wait to talk with you!
I'm so glad we've been able to connect. It's always a pleasure chatting with you!
I hope you don't come back with an excuse.
You left without reason, so please just apologize and leave me alone forever!
The riches you show and the words that go unspoken are what separate the rich from everyone else.
You think it’s my attitude, but that's not what people see.
hindi images
It's always more useful to speak less than know.
You think it’s my attitude, but that's not what people see.
I know you think it's just a bad attitude, but the truth is - no one else sees that.
I’ll show you how good I am.
I'm the best there is, so come prove me wrong!
I could care less if you're mad.

For Tiktok

You can’t make me feel anything.
life changing
I know you think I’m weak but your words can't hurt me.
"What if you could be someone else? What would your life look like then?"
 I warn you, the things that make me more dangerous are coming for you
 You should be careful. I am more dangerous than you think.
 No one can deny that I'm a very perceptive person.
You’re right. I'm not giving you a compliment! 
 My friends might deny it, but I'm not one to be denied.
 I know. I'm not a flattering person generally and you're my favourite exception to that rule!
 I can't stand people who need to control their tempers.
 I've never been so happy to just not care about anything in my life.
 It's not easy being the only one in your group.

Use them for Comments as Well.

 I'm single, and I got this.
 I don't need no approval, I'm just single.
I have my own bae in the mirror and it's always on me
 I'm just single and that's what makes me happy!
  It's time to cut the friends who don't get your vibe.
 She doesn't need attention, just to get things done!
She is like my 10th class book, she's not flashy or attention-grabbing - just there.
 No one gives a hoot about your typical single life.
 I love being single because it gives me the freedom 
 I can’t stand with people who lie
 I know how it feels to be confrontationally honest.
 It's really hard deciding which face should be slapped first!
 I hate people who pretend to care about me
 Believe me You're in the best place to get started.
  Believe in yourself more than ever before
 The only thing that matters to me is my relationship with myself.
 My attitude is stronger than that dog food bowl of yours!
 I'm not the type of person to back down when they bark.
 A single bark from that ego of yours will be left unanswered!
 A lion's roar is not just for show.
We change the world by playing our own game.

Ziddi Quotes

for facebook
 The best stories are never told, but live on in our souls.
 We all have a dark side
I feel like there is a lack in my trust-deprived heart.
I'm not a good actress, and that's what people want from me in the first place!
 I did not believe in fake love
Being single doesn’t mean you have been abandoned by all of your friends and family.
Your heart is your most valuable asset. 
You deserve to choose what you do and who you are.
 Love doesn’t come with any hidden agenda, it simply makes us whole.
 Be foolhardy, but think wisely.
 Thinking like a genius is not an easy task.
It takes tremendous courage to think out-of the box
When a mistake is made, people will always come to your aid.
 It’s sad to see someone who cares about you when the time comes.
 Don’t wait until it's too late.
The best chess players in the world are not divided by gender. 
 If you're king without a queen, then I'm your sidekick.
Remember that no matter what color your skin is, you are still the king.
We all have those who love and support us in varying degrees
 Life's struggles forge us into the Strong People we know ourselves to be.
 Trusting the wrong person can be a costly mistake
Attitude is that thing that sets me apart
Trust is like a beautiful, sexy girl you've known for years.

Attitude Captions

You never get your life back after you lose it once.
 There's a certain sadness that comes with losing your memories. 
Losing your attitude for a moment is enough to make you feel lost.
 If you want to know who I am or what my attitude is like then ask away!
 Nobody knows exactly how long any relationship will last until its time to say goodbye forever
 I will take on an attitude that resists your criticism. 
My personality is the core of who I am and it depends on you for a positive attitude.
 It's not that we don't trust people, it just works better if you're careful and intentional in your interactions.
 I am a daily reminder to ignore you.
I'm trying to be ignored, but it's not working.
 The more I'm ignored, the better it is for me.
 I want you, but my needs can't be met without me.
 I am the wind,I blow through your hair and turn you into my Bonnie.
 She: Can we meet tomorrow?
Me: No thanks. You’re not worth my time and money!
 You always had a problem with telling the truth.
I'm learning that people with lying issues also find it hard to gain and maintain my confidence.
 If I can't get it, nobody will.
If you want to succeed, stop expecting people to carry your burdens for you.
If the world doesn't like me, it is because of my attitude.
I have learned to trust authors because they are experts in their field.
 I don't care that you're barking in my backyard right now.
Let the dogs bark! Let's go for a walk.
  The king of the jungle still reigns, but some may be barking up a different tree.
 If this is true and they are always pointing out every flaw in what you do or say without reason-
You’re not as bad, I am the worst.
 You have no idea the things I do.
 I often go to great lengths for a good time.
 The things I do for you are so crazy.
 I'm a lot of people's idea of what I really am.
I am not the type of person that people expect me to be.
 I am a living example of the power of positive thinking.
 I am a mirror that only reflects what you tell me.
 I'll never reveal my true self to anyone, except for one person in this world 
 Treat yourself how you expect your loved ones and friends in return.
 I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.
I am a human being, not just an animal on loan from the slaughterhouse!
I have rights just as an individual, so please remember I'm human too!
 I am not the perfect human being that you want to see. 
 I’m not the most amazing person in this world, but I will do anything to make you happy.
 I'm here for one purpose: To give my all so that others may live theirs more freely and with less fear!
 The truth is, I’m the most honest person you will ever meet.
My honesty is something that I hold dear and will never break.
 I am always honest with my loving ones.
 My honesty is my trademark.
 I try to keep my word every single day no matter what happens.
 I am the most honest person you will ever meet. 
 My honesty is what sets me apart from the rest.

Download Captions as well

 I am a man of few words, but have the power to turn anything into gold.
 I have a great sense of humor and the power to turn anything into gold.
 When I'm not busy turning anything into gold, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up some fine meal.
 If you can't see your flaws, then I'm doing something right.
 You are perfect, but I will always be the one to make you better.
 We all have our flaws, but if you can’t accept them then that's on you.
 It's important to accept your flaws, and not be ashamed of them.
 You’re not as bad, I am the worst.
 You have no idea the things I do.
 I often go to great lengths for a good time.
 The things I do for you are so crazy.
 I'm a lot of people's idea of what I really am.
 I am not the type of person that people expect me to be.
 I am a living example of the power of positive thinking.
 I am a mirror that only reflects what you tell me.
 I'll never reveal my true self to anyone, except for one person in this world 
 Treat yourself how you expect your loved ones and friends in return.
 I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.
 I am a human being, not just an animal on loan from the slaughterhouse!
 I have rights just as an individual, so please remember I'm human too!

Use them for your DP

 I am not the perfect human being that you want to see. 
 I’m not the most amazing person in this world, but I will do anything to make you happy.
 I'm here for one purpose: To give my all so that others may live theirs more freely and with less fear!
The truth is, I’m the most honest person you will ever meet.
 My honesty is something that I hold dear and will never break.
 I am always honest with my loving ones.
 I try to keep my word every single day no matter what happens.
 I am the most honest person you will ever meet. 
 My honesty is what sets me apart from the rest.
 I am a man of few words, but have the power to turn anything into gold.
 I have a great sense of humour and the power to turn anything into gold.
When I'm not busy turning anything into gold, you can find me in the kitchen cooking up some fine meal.
 If you can't see your flaws, then I'm doing something right.
 You are perfect, but I will always be the one to make you better.
 We all have our flaws, but if you can’t accept them then that's on you.
 It's important to accept your flaws, and not be ashamed of them.
The beauty of being human is that we are complex and imperfect creatures who make mistakes from time to time 
 Just deal with the fact that I can't stop telling you how great of a person I am, so take my word for it!
 I'm the kind of person who won't stop telling you how great I am, so take my word for it!
 I guess it's my job to tell everyone how great they are!
 Don't edit me. I'm not a perfect version of you.
 I like the sound of that. Let me be myself, not what you want from me.
 No matter how hard you try, take me for who I really am.
 If you are struggling to take this journey with me, know that I am here for the ride.
 A person's true self is not something they can change for someone else.
 I am not ashamed to be real.
 I have been real to every single one of you.
I won't apologize for the things that make my life worth living.
I'm beginning to think that my attitude is improving, until I get really angry.

Jalane wale Attitude Status

 I'm not sure how to feel about my attitude.
I'm so happy to see my attitude getting better.
 I'm determined to change my attitude, but I only seem to do it when the mood strikes.
 I find myself in a negative head space most of the time. 
 I have no time for fake people
 I need to release the negativity in my life.
 I'm so tired of being surrounded by negativity.
I need the negativity in my life so bad, it's like a drug.
 I want you to see me for who I really am.
 I need the negativity in my life so bad, it's like a drug.
 I want you to see me for who I really am.
 I've never been one dimensional.

Captions and Messages

 I've always been a little more than one thing.
You are the only one who can make your life better. 
 I can make changes in my life myself. 
 I am the master of my own destiny.
 I am the architect of my own success.
 I don't want anyone getting hurt by hurting me.
 Yeah life goes on but it won’t be the same.
 What sentence killed you inside but you had to act like it didn’t matter.
 I'm proud of anyone putting effort into becoming a better version of them.
 I'm getting money & minding my business.
 I'm a real player, i don’t pause the game to entertain one person.
 My sadness turns to anger and that’s one of my worst toxic traits.
The scariest shit is not knowing somebody intentions like do you really like me or you playing with me.

Matlabi Log Quotes

   Never been the type to fit in but never wanted to be that type anyway.
 My heart still asks about you sometimes.
 It's going to hurt me to hate you, but loving you is worse.
 I may be quiet, but I have so much on my mind.
You ever read a message and been like “this is why I don’t talk to you".
When you hold on to your History, you do it at the expense of your Destiny.
  The only way to be the best, is by being able withstand any challenge that stands before you.
If you want to be the best, then it's important that your mind-set can make it through any storm.
  Life throws us curveballs. If you can't handle the worst, then how will your life ever get better?
I’ve always been a romantic at heart, but my imagination has given me some interesting ideas.
I’ve been told that I have a dirty mind, but the truth of the matter is my imagination is just as bad.
I throw my weight around and let nothing stand in the way. 
 I always feel empowered when I make myself aware of my own strengths.
 I allow myself to believe in all that I do.
 I'm not afraid of showing up as I am in front of anyone who matters.
 I allow myself to be my own boss.
 A true king understands that it's not about him or herself.
  I'm ready to take on the world and make it better for everyone else too!
 It's my time.
 I've been waiting a long time for this.
 I've been waiting a long time for this.
    Success is not something one can just wish for. 
  If you don't care, same here.
 Yes, I'm changed my old version was too weak.
 Don't try to impress people always be yourself.
 I don't mind losing friends, because I never lost a good one.
 Don't ever judge me you were never tested like I was.
 Stop being so available to a person who always puts you last.
 I'm sorry if you don't like my honesty, but to be fair I don't like your lies.

Attitude Status New Captions

 My time is bad so I am silent.
 They do it for the internet I do it for myself.
 Betray me once I will boycott you for life.
Dear ex, don't worry I will always be there. To ignore you.
 Dear ex, you are the reason why I know I deserve so much better.
Dear ex, please don't tell the people we've dated.
 Fuck social media I'm dope in real life.
 You are lucky if you have my attention because ignoring people is my hobby.
 Once I care I don't leave. Once I leave I don't care.
I noticed everything, I just remained silent.
 Everything I thought I couldn't handle, I kept handling. 
 Keep social distance from fake people.
 People hate you because of the way that other people love you.
 Posting is way more fun when you know you are being stalked.
 I don't trust anybody, here all are snakes.
Don't show me attitude, my block list is bigger than your friend list.
 Don't underestimate me darling, I can go from gentleman to gangster in just 2 seconds.
 Before you ask why someone hates you, ask yourself why you even care.
Ex: I called
Me: I watched it ring.
 Your biggest enemy is never a stranger, think about it. 
 If someone is okay with losing you, he never loved you.
 It's okay you don't like me. You barely like yourself.
 I am allowed to do what's best for me even if it upsets people. 
 I am losing everyone while I am finding myself. 
 If people don't like me, I don't care because I am not born to entertain everyone. 
 Hard to trust since fake has become a trend.
 Deleting some people from life is so refreshing.
 I know who I can't trust I just play along.
 Never reveal your next moves.
 I am very dangerous when I am focused, and I am always focused.
 Trust something which I don't do anymore.
 Time always reveals how much you matter to someone. 
 Don't try to play with me you wouldn't like my turn.
 People come and go, but I'll always remember you.

Status download in Hindi About life

नफरत करने वाले और कुत्ते दोनों भौंकते हैं.
प्यार और हवा दोनों ही आजकल प्रदूषित हैं.
समझना एक कला है और हर कोई कलाकार नहीं होता।.
अपने ऊपर एक अहसान करो। हर समय सभी के लिए उपलब्ध रहना बंद करें।.
आपकी भूमिका को आपसे बेहतर कोई नहीं निभा सकता।.
झूठ को चूमने से अच्छा है कि सच के साथ तमाचा मार दिया जाए।.
वापस बैठना और निरीक्षण करना सीखें, हर चीज के लिए प्रतिक्रिया की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है।.
वे मुझसे नफरत करते हैं क्योंकि मुझे पीटना आसान है।.
कभी-कभी हम उम्मीदों के माध्यम से अपना दिल तोड़ देते हैं।.
अगर आपको मुझमें 1% भी शक है तो मैं आपके लिए नहीं हूं।.
अगर आप कमरे के सबसे चतुर व्यक्ति हैं तो आप गलत कमरे में हैं।.
जब आप मौन में निर्माण करते हैं, तो लोग नहीं जानते कि हमला कैसे किया जाता है।.
मैंने आपको बताया कि मुझे सबसे ज्यादा दर्द क्या होता है और आपने इसे पूरी तरह से किया।.
एक बार जब आप महसूस करते हैं कि किसी ने उससे परहेज किया है तो उसे फिर कभी परेशान न करें।.
तुमने मुझे अपने शब्दों के साथ, तुमने मुझे अपने कार्यों से खो दिया।.
उत्तम दर्जे का तब होता है जब आपके पास कहने के लिए बहुत कुछ होता है लेकिन आप मूर्खों के सामने चुप रहना चुनते हैं।.
मुझे उन्हीं लोगों के साथ कमरे में रखो जो मेरे बारे में बकवास करते हैं और देखते हैं कि वे कितने मिलनसार हो जाते हैं।.
खामोश आंसुओं में सबसे तेज दर्द होता है।
अपने गुस्से पर काबू रखें क्योंकि यह खतरे से सिर्फ एक अक्षर की दूरी पर है।.
आप मुझे जानते होंगे लेकिन मेरे पीछे के अतीत को नहीं जानते।.
कभी भी अपने आप को समझाएं नहीं, आपके दोस्तों को इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है और आपके दुश्मन इस पर विश्वास नहीं करेंगे।.
मैं अपने नवीनतम रवैये के साथ संबंध में हूं.
अगर यह आपको नष्ट कर रहा है तो यह प्यार नहीं है मेरा विश्वास करो यह प्यार नहीं है
खलनायक बुरे नहीं होते, वे सिर्फ वास्तविक और सच्चे होते हैं.
पहले आपको पागल कहते हैं, फिर सलाह के लिए बुलाते हैं
मुझ में राक्षस का परीक्षण मत करो.
मैं मैं हूं और मैं किसी के लिए खुद को नहीं बदलूंगा।.
एक लोकप्रिय भेड़ की तुलना में अकेला शेर होना बेहतर है.
एक लोकप्रिय भेड़ की तुलना में अकेला शेर होना बेहतर है.
मेरी जीत मेरे लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चीज है।.
शैतान के लिए शैतान, दयालु के लिए दयालु, यह मेरा रवैया है कृपया बुरा मत मानो।.
मेरी बुराई या तो एक मजबूत दिमाग को आकर्षित करेगी या एक कमजोर को नाराज करेगी।.
हर कोई मुझे पसंद नहीं करता, हर कोई मायने नहीं रखता।.
मुझे उन दिनों की याद आती है जब मेरी मुस्कान असली थी।.
अगर प्यार करने की काबिलियत है तो पहले खुद से प्यार करो।.
एक सपना देखा मैं राजा था, मैं अभी भी राजा जाग उठा।.
attitude status infographics

1. My life is mine to live and I take charge of it.

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2. To some people, the real you is something worth knowing.

3. I write a personal code for myself and I follow it, even if others say no.

4. I am the captain of my own ship and I make all decisions.

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5. Dear ex, don’t worry I will always be there. To ignore you.

6. F*ck social media I’m dope in real life.

7. Keep social distance from fake people.8. Choose me or lose your future.

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An attitude status is a specific way of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflects a particular perspective or set of beliefs. Everyone has different attitudes, and these can be either positive or negative. Attitudes are important because they can influence our behavior and how we interact with others.

An attitude status is a statement or saying that captures how we feel about a particular situation or event, and it can impact our behaviors and interactions with others. For example, if we see a negative attitude status posted by someone on social media, it may make us think less of that person and avoid interacting with them. On the other hand, if we see a positive attitude, it may make us feel good about that person and want to engage with them more.

Many different factors can influence our attitudes, such as our upbringing, social conditioning, life experiences, and emotions. To better manage our moods, it is important to be aware of these factors and how they might be affecting our outlook. We can also benefit from practicing mindfulness and self-awareness, which can help us catch ourselves when we react negatively or hold onto negative attitudes. Additionally, seeking support from others and engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment can help to improve our relationships and overall well-being.

It can be difficult to keep a positive attitude when things are tough, but it’s important to remember that your outlook on life can greatly impact how you’re feeling. If your attitude is negative, you’re likely to feel stressed, anxious, and down, but you’ll feel much happier if you focus on the good things in your life. You can even use these tips to boost your mood and keep a positive attitude through difficult times:

  • Keep a gratitude journal. Writing down what you’re thankful for each day is a great way to focus on the positives in life, and it can be helpful to look back on these entries when you’re feeling down.
  • Spend time with positive people.
  • Surround yourself with upbeat friends who will help you stay motivated and uplifted when you’re feeling down.
  • Practice meditation or mindfulness exercises.

Types of Attitude Status

There are many different types of attitude status, but some of the most common include attitudes towards work, social attitudes, and moral or spiritual attitudes. Each of these can significantly impact our lives and how we navigate the world around us. For example, if you have a positive attitude towards work, you may be more motivated to achieve your goals and be successful in your career. Similarly, having a positive social attitude may help you to form and maintain meaningful relationships with others.

Having a cool attitude towards life can be incredibly important for our happiness and well-being. Even if things don’t always go as planned, it is important to remember that we always have some degree of control over our thoughts and beliefs. By choosing to cultivate a inspirational attitude, we can shape our world experience in a meaningful way.​


When you find yourself in a challenging situation, remember that your attitude is always within your control. Maintaining an attitude can be difficult at times, but it’s worth the effort. With practice, you can develop an unshakeable attitude and reap the benefits of happiness and success in all areas of your life. 

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