Attitude Status in English 2023 — 2 Line Captions and Quotes

Oliver Jay

Hey buddy, are you searching for the best attitude status in English for your FB, WhatsApp or Instagram in 2023? then keep calm and amazed by these 2 line captions and quotes.

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Attitude Status in English

Think about it, when you display these kind of attitude status in English then, it triggers a part of other person’s brain that you are a high value person.

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attitude status in english infographics
Don't let another take control of your emotions.
Work hard stay disciplined and be patient .
Appreciate those who never give up on you.
3 things to keep private. Your income, your next move, your love life.
 The vibe alone until you are valued.
Live life on your own terms.
Prayer changes everything.
attitude status caption in english
Believe in what you prayed for.
If you can't find nice people, be one.
Be yourself it's okay to be different.
Wrong is wrong if everyone is doing it.
Smile at people who hate you. 
I am tired of loving you and hoping you will do the same.
Every moment is the movement of life.
Love is a sweet poison.
Cry my dear but do not bleed.
Be the reason people believe in good people.
Less expectation more satisfaction.
Smile anyway no one cares.
Smile anyway no one cares.
Don't worry time will teach you.
Be nice but learn to say no.
Growing through what I am going through.
Being alone is better than being used.
It's okay to cry you are trying your best.
Being offline is a new peace of mind.
Love yourself first.

Captions in English

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attitude status english quotes
attitude status text in english
Beautiful things take time.
Focus on you, everything else will fall in plan.
People come and go that's life.
Live more, worry less.
Do good and good will come to you. 
Be afraid and do it anyway.
Dear me, I will make you proud.
Turn the pain into power.
Raise the bar higher.
And so the adventure begins.
Please take it easy I am still learning. Judge me when you are perfect.
Little movements, big memories.
In the end, we all become stories.
Be kind, life is a mirror.
I believe everything happens for a reason.
The right people hear you differently.
Be a little more you, and a less them.
Whatever is good for your soul, do that.
Let yourself feel your feelings.
Whatever the situation, don't forget to celebrate the goal.
Let your dad know his son is winning.

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attitude status english text
attitude status english
Don't give a straight answer.
Don't give a straight answer.
Don't disturb the sleeping lion.
Don't disturb the sleeping lion.
Sometimes you need to step up.
Don't reply by words, reply by actions.
Positions do not matter but your confidence matters.
Create urgency and make them buy anything you want to sell.
If a man is alone, he must be thinking about his job and family.
Lose a game but never lose your confidence.
Always keep your words, no matter what it costs.
If she has an attitude show her yours.
Never deviate from your goal for a girl.
Always fool your enemies.
Never fake your emotions.
Always laugh in serious condition.
Ignore your surrounding and focus on your work.
Don't trust women in decisive moments.
Always stand in front of enemies, no matter how tall they are.
Create rules and break for self-respect.
The relation is more important than education.
Never talk to a girl who calls you brother.
Always avoid girls.
Be clear, no room for doubts.

For Instagram and FB Quotes

attitude sttaus in english pic
Attitude is power.
Men never throw cigarettes without taking the last puff.
I am not a smoker but an expert chef can dodge fir easily. 
If you are right stand for it, age does not matter.
Always make a plan for your trouble.
Don't believe in talking.
Never allow anyone to disrespect you.
Never forgive those who try to disrespect you.
Never focus on haters and work hard to achieve your goals.
Stay confident even you fail.
Always telling women to stay in the kitchen.
Handover and takeback these deserve only for a special person.
Don't give a fuck where you are.
Girls are temporary but smoking is permanent.
Always listen to her and give her what she wants.
Don't make decisions based on fear.
Don't fuck your wife first fuck your dreams.
Don't fuck your wife first fuck your dreams.
Do different jobs but your work should be the same.
Don't give a shit about what girls think just believe in results.
Never listen to bad words about your family.

2 line Status/Captions

attitude status in english new
attitude status thought in english
attitude status love english
Let your opponent think he has control.
Show your hidden talents and win the girl's heart.
Get your boyfriend to do it.
Never responds to insults with violence just kiss her and shut her mouth.
Do not be get fooled by your opponent.
No matter who they are, Be egoistic about your hard work.
No matter who they are, Be egoistic about your hard work.
You must know when to act.
Money is enough to impress a girl.
Always fight against crime.
Focus on your dreams no matter what happens.
Don't be a simp, be a man of culture.
Never give the hoes the wrong idea.
If someone talks about your religion smash him.
No one goes closer to me without my permission.
Focus on cash, not on the ass.
Don't fight with stupids.

English Text Status

Always show attitude even you are losing.
Mock the dumb bitch hard, kick her out if she is wasting your time.
Don't be selfish, think for everyone.
Be simple but handle the situation in front of your crush.
Prove yourself to yourself, not others.
Prefer actions over words.
Prefer actions over words.
Fuck his girlfriend who interrupts his business.
Real men fall in love with a woman's soul, not her body.
When life is insecure, knock enemy and finish.
Always be loyal to your father.
Jumping in the garbage is far better than becoming tiktoker.
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Never be ashamed and lie about your past to a woman.
Cancel racism by banning makeup items and fake feminists.
Don't leave any work unfinished.
Success is sexy.
Remove your birthday from social media, and see no one will wish you except your mom.
Silence is the best fucking answer.
If you can't fuck your wife then fuck the students.
Always take your gift back when you break up.
Always take your gift back when you break up.
Just focus on your career and give a fuck to a relationship.
If she does not agree to dance with you then hit your foot on her fucking belly.
Real men only use women's washrooms.
Never let the kids enter your group.
If the teacher orders you to Get out of class Go with DIGNITY.
Destroy every single feminist because they are bitches.
Destroy every single feminist because they are bitches.
Don't answer her just say f**k 0ff.
Slap her back and promote gender equality.
Slap her back and promote gender equality.
Make your girl fly and always choose her sister over her.
Always come to a point and ask her what she wants.
Never spend money for wife's luxury.
Putting yourself first is not selfish, it's necessary.
I prefer silence because I hate Drama.
Loyal boys still exist they are just busy building their careers. 
Don't spoil your goals behind holes.
Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
A man settles where he finds peace, not beauty, not money just peace.
If someone tells you, you can't they are showing their limits. Not yours.
I will never leave you is the funniest joke in my life.
I lost so many friends just because I stopped texting them first.
One day my success will shake the whole world.
Learn to heal yourself, no one is going a do that for you.

Attitude Status Love English

attitude status life
No one gives a fuck about broken man, always remember that.
A new virus called feelings doesn't catch that shit.
I can face a bad day with a good attitude.
Stop calling it love, if you are crying more than smiling.
Don't feel guilty for doing what is best for you.
Idiots are jealous of their own friends.
I am multitasking, I can listen, Ignore and forget at the same time.
What happens If I don't give up.
In the end, You only have yourself.
It all starts with a dream.
Stop calling your busy friends fake because they have responsibilities.
Stop calling your busy friends fake because they have responsibilities.
Break her bed not her heart.
If I called you brother it's because you earned my respect.
Attitude is a little thing that makes you cool.
Find why and you will find your way.
Find why and you will find your way.
Today, they will call you crazy, Tomorrow, they'll call you boss.
Yes, we all men are the same because we don't wear makeup.
Millionaire life never comes from chasing women all day.
My mouth has no filter, I say what I actually want to say.
One day I won't think about the price. 
Don't spend another year doing the same shit.
I am not forcing anything with anyone, value me or miss me.

English Life

My priorities in 2023: me.
Critisize me when you are at my level.
If you want to be boss, think, talk and hustle like a boss. 
Don't take criticism from someone you would not take advice from.
I love when they think you are no body and you turn out to be the goat.
It kills people when they don't know your business.
Silence is the best answer when you are dealing with an idiot.
You can accept me as I am or watch me walk away.
Never lower your standards for a guy, make him raise your standards for you!
Look in the mirror. I am the girl you always wanted.
Don't be afraid to speak for yourself. Keep fighting for your dreams!
 And in life, it's all about the choices we make. 
Be yourself, because the original is worth more than the copy. 
 Don't confuse my kindness with weakness.
The power of imagination makes us infinite
If something doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you either.   
    I did not change. I grew up. Maybe you should try it sometime.
    My attitude is based on how you treat me.
    I hear them talking behind my back, at least there's a reason they're behind.
If you play small, you stay small.
I don't get mad, I get distant.
Just smile and move on.
Disappear for a while and see who cares.
"How to impress me? Be loyal behind my back."
If I'm a bad person? Well, that depends on who you ask.
What people don't know, they can't ruin. 
For your information, I never trusted you.
"The help I didn't get was all the help I needed."
Who you're becoming is more important than who you've been."
Don't be surprised when I disappear.
If it's not right, don't do it. If it's not true, don't say it.
Real friends have the same enemies.
You don't lose them, they lose you.
People say a lot. So, I watch what they do.
Quitters never win, winners never quit.
Forget what you feel and remember what you deserve."
If they care, they'll show it.
We all have our own story
Work while they sleep. 
Don't show your emotions, people will take advantage of it.
If you build in silence, people don't know what to attack.
Care too much and you'll be taken for granted.
I tried. You didn't. I'm done. Fuck off.
Do it now. Always keep in mind: People talk.
"I got people mad, I ain't who they want me to be."
Learn to rest, not to quit.

Two Line Captions

 for instagram
 two line english
 english 6
Did it tired. Did it scare? 
             Still doing it. That move you are scared to make might just be the one. 
You were talking shit, now I'm somebody you would love to be. 
I'll never trust people the same way again.
Stop watering a dead flower.
Your biggest fan is a stranger.
Distance doesn't separate people. Silence does.
Distance doesn't separate people. Silence does.
Born to make history.
Sometimes growth requires a new company, new locations, new mindsets.
Embrace your flaws and they'll become your strength.
"I can't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep with you on my mind and woke up the same."
I know some things that you ain't told me. "Always be yourself, not the person that you pretend to be."
Don't tell me to change when you have no idea what I'm going through.
I know you care. 
They're hating, but still taking notes.
Never let your fear decide your future."
I know that everything you're saying to me could be a lie.
I know that everything you're saying to me could be a lie.
"I know that everything you're saying to me could be a lie.
 If you knew what was said in your absence, you would stop smiling with a lot of people.
You pick them over me, so when they turn on you I'm going to pick me over you.
Stay true to yourself. It no pretends shit, it's friendship.
 I still think about you.
Moments become memories, people become lessons.
I won't let a few setbacks stop me.
People hate on things they don't understand.
I was quiet, not blind. 
Only a few people care.
Only a few people care.
Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers.
I don't chase, I fucking replace. 
We pick our friends, but real situations sort them out.
Most people never start, because they don't want to be seen at the bottom.
If you have yourself focused and motivated you don't need anybody else I never met a strong person with an easy past.
It looks like you found the love that I was hoping to find.
"If someone wastes ten minutes of your time, eight minutes is your fault.
 "Only celebrate with the people who were there for you during the struggle."
 "Only celebrate with the people who were there for you during the struggle."
If words control you, that means anyone can control you.
Trust, loyalty, and respect. Fuck up one and you'll lose all three.
People love to talk, so keep your shit to yourself.
Laugh with many, don't trust any. Forget who I was. Try me today.
Don't focus on what's not important.
Love with the lovers and play with the players.
Love with the lovers and play with the players.
"Showed your true colors, I don't like what I see.
Uncomfortable situations make you, comfortable situations break you.
An ugly personality destroys a pretty face.
 Stop living up to other people's expectations.
Great things take time.
"Take your time. Recharge and come back stronger."
"Take your time. Recharge and come back stronger."
 You was talking shit, now I'm somebody you would love to be.
It does not matter if you can't do it like them, 'cause they can't do it like you. 
I don't keep secrets, I keep people out of my business.
 Sleep just isn't sleep anymore, it's an escape.
I got my own shoes, I ain't trying to fit in yours. 
Wise people listen and laugh while fools talk.
 I learned that people don't change. 
They reveal who they really are.
Some walks you have to take alone.
Some walks you have to take alone.
Fuck second chances, people never change."
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there. 
I did not change. I just realized a lot.
Fear is a liar.
 Your approval is not needed.
I care, but I'm done trying.
 Your approval is not needed.
I have absolutely no desire to fit in. 
Take the risk or lose the chance.
Make them wish they had you.
When you have the feeling something is wrong then something is wrong.
It's time to cut some people off. 
If I change, it's for myself. 
When trust is broken, sorry means nothing.
I know I changed, that was the point.
  I don't take back what I said. If I said it, I meant it.
Just because a decision hurts, doesn't mean it's the wrong decision.
You can't change what you want.
Act like you trust people, but don't.
 2 line


1. You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Checkout  Using Body Language to Show Dominance and Submissiveness

2. It does not matter if you can’t do it like them, ’cause they can’t do it like you.

3. “Only celebrate with the people who were there for you during the struggle.”

Checkout  Love Shayari😍 2 Line: Expression of Emotion

The best English Attitude Status is:

-I’m not perfect; I’m original.

-I’m not crazy; I’m just special.

-I’m not weird; I’m just a limited edition.

-I’m not old; I’m vintage.

What is English Attitude Status?

It is the Attitude of the people who speak English. They are arrogant and think that they are better than everyone else. They are always trying to prove themselves by using big words and complicated grammar. They also believe that they are smarter than others because they know more English words.

What is Attitude?

Attitude is basically how you think and feel about something. It’s your opinion or belief about something. Your Attitude can be positive or negative, and it can be seen in how you act and speak.

Some people tend to have a positive attitude, while others have a negative outlook. If you have a positive attitude, you’re more likely to see the good in things and be optimistic. On the other hand, if you have a negative attitude, you’re more likely to see the bad in something and be pessimistic.

Having a positive or negative attitude is a choice. You can choose to see the glass as half full or half empty. You can choose to be optimistic or pessimistic.

Your Attitude is important because it can affect your happiness and how you interact with other people. A positive attitude can lead to a happy life, while a negative attitude can make you unhappy.

Interacting with someone who has a positive attitude can also make you feel better. They tend to be more upbeat and have a more positive outlook on life. On the other hand, interacting with someone who has a negative attitude can make you feel worse. They tend to be more pessimistic and have a more negative outlook on life.

How do I set my Attitude?

There is no one perfect way to set your Attitude. However, some things that may help include focusing on positive self-talk, maintaining a positive outlook, and practising gratitude. Additionally, try to surround yourself with positive people who can support you in your journey.

What is the best Attitude?

The best Attitude is optimistic one. Additionally, it is important to be resilient in the face of adversity and to have a growth mindset. Finally, it is helpful to surround yourself with positive people who can support you in your journey.

What is a winning attitude?

A winning attitude is optimistic. Additionally, it is important to be resilient in the face of adversity and to have a growth mindset. Finally, it is helpful to surround yourself with positive people who can support you in your journey.

Is Attitude a choice?

Yes, Attitude is a choice. You can choose to see the glass as half full or half empty. You can choose to be optimistic or pessimistic. Your Attitude is important because it can affect your happiness and how you interact with other people.

Tips for maintaining Attitude

Try to surround yourself with positive people.

-Maintain a positive outlook.

-Practice gratitude.

-Be resilient in the face of adversity.

-Have a growth mindset.


Overall, the English language has a lot of negative attitudes and stereotypes. This is largely due to its colonial past and its association with the United Kingdom and the United States. However, there are also many positive aspects to the English language, such as its flexibility and adaptability. With more and more people learning English as a second or third language, these positive aspects are likely to become more prevalent.

Here are some of my thoughts about attitude status in English and you can download these pics for free. Also check out the posts mention below. these are unique and specially designed for my lion boys that are roaring and eager to show their amazing personality and attitude to the word and they don’t care what other thinks or judge them because you my boys are comfortable in what you are and what you can do. Never be scared from anyone just keep calm and move forward with everything you got. Nobody can stop you unless you want to stop. Peace.

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