Being motivated is an important rule in today’s world. So, energize yourself with best motivational attitude status.
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Whoever seeks revenge must dig two graves.
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He who fears that he will suffer suffers because of his own fear.
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What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.
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Courage is to speak up, to be courageous is to sit together and listen.
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Feel the fear and do whatever it takes.
Motivational Attitude Status 2023
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Never, never, never give up.
These Attitude Hindi Lines will make you post some sad attitude status . But you can also check in other languages like Nepali status and Jatt Gussa Status Attitude in just 1 line Caption .
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Most people are just as happy as their minds.
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Madness: Let's do the same thing again and expect different results.
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Be who you are, be good.
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Man is the fruit of his thoughts. Whatever he thinks, he happens.
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Enthusiasm and diligence can make an average person better. Depression and lethargy can make a high person average.
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Imagination is more important than knowledge.
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Hard times don't last, hard people, do.
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Finish each day and do it together. You did your best.
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I will prepare and in a few days my chance will come.
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"Don't go where there is a road, go where there is no road and leave a trail."
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Even if you don't stop, it doesn't matter how long you go.
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Fear of making mistakes is the root of bureaucracy and the enemy of development.
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Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done.
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Life is too short to think small.
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If we always look in the rear view mirror, it is difficult to keep our eyes on the road ahead.
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Don't wish it was easier. Wish you get better at it.
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When others think you're at the end, you really have to start.
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With small blows one falls also large trees.
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Even skyscrapers used to start at the bottom.
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Belief in our power can increase it to infinity.
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Your body can do anything. It's your mind you have to convince.
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When my body can't take it anymore, my will pulls it up.
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Where the will awakens, something has almost been achieved.
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Start doing it, then you will have the strength to do it.
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The effort comes before success in the alphabet, too.
Motivational Attitude Status in English
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Never do what you can't do. Stop doing what you can.
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Peaceful men believe in fate. Tough men believe in cause and effect.
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People who try and fail at something are infinitely better off trying and succeeding.
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Always keep in mind that your own determination is more important than anything else.
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Being successful does not mean having money.
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Be yourself, there is no one better.
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You can't save tomorrow's responsibility by doing this tomorrow.
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A friend is one in front of whom I can think big.
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We live by what we receive; we live by what we give.
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The main desire of our lives is someone who can do what we want.
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Happiness is from within, but not from without; And so it doesn't depend on us, on what we are.
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Make a lot of yourself, because that's all you have.
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Respect yourself and others will respect you."
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Nothing can bring you peace.
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Never show remorse. When you do that, you apologize for the truth.
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Take every opportunity in your life because some things happen only once.
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Anyone who tries to always keep all doors open will spend their lives in the corridor.
Best Motivational Attitude Status
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Obstacles all the way, but it keeps you smiling to continue on and walk that path.
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Don't be blinded by her beauty.
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Happiness is just a chemical.
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Life is good when you are laughing.
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Laughter, life is beautiful.
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Work until your idols are your rivals.
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Life is short, wrong; This is the longest work you have ever done.
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Don't let your habits get in the way of who you really are.
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You will never live it.
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True, I'm crazy for you. And everyone can see but you.
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I never try to be fit.
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I have not chosen the life of a swindler, the life of a swindler has chosen me.
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Be yourself, everyone is taken.
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As I grow older, I make tricks.
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The best people in life are free.
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We are happy, free, delusional, and at the same time lonely.
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When nothing goes right, go left instead!
Motivational Attitude Status in Hindi
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प्रिय, उनमें से बाकी लोगों की तरह मत बनो।
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अगर आपके पास आंखें हैं, तो मुझे अभी जांचें!
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जब लोग जाते हैं तो अपने साथ एक ऐसा टुकड़ा ले जाते हैं जिससे आप कभी पीछे नहीं हट सकते।
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असफलता तभी सफल होती है जब हम उससे सीख लें।
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यदि आप अपने शरीर को नहीं हिलाते हैं तो आपके सुनहरे आहार का कोई मतलब नहीं है।
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जिसने अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ दिया है उसे बाद में पछतावा नहीं हुआ।
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एक चैंपियन वह होता है जो तब खड़ा होता है जब वे नहीं कर सकते।
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कार्य लक्ष्य को सपने से अलग करता है।
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ऐसा इसलिए नहीं है कि यह इतना कठिन है कि हम हिम्मत नहीं करते, बल्कि इसलिए कि हम हिम्मत नहीं करते हैं कि यह इतना कठिन है।
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काश यह आसान होता। काश आप इससे बेहतर होते।
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जीवन में केवल दो दिन होते हैं जिन्हें आप नहीं बदल सकते: एक कल है और दूसरा कल है।
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अगर मन में ठान लिया तो आधी जीत हो गई। कभी रुकना नहीं शुरू करना कभी रुकना नहीं।
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जो लोग उन चीजों से निपटते हैं जहां दूसरे सिर्फ बात कर रहे हैं, उनके जीवन में एक शुरुआत होती है।
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एक बार जब कोई व्यक्ति एक चीज में मास्टर बन जाता है, तो उसे एक नए में छात्र बनना चाहिए।
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खुद को जलाने वाले ही दूसरों में आग लगा सकते हैं।
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एकमात्र बकवास जिस पर कुछ भी नहीं बढ़ता है वह निराशावादी है।
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प्रेरणा सफलता की प्रज्वलन कुंजी है, जुनून सबसे अच्छा ईंधन है।
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हमारा भाग्य सितारों पर नहीं बल्कि हमारे कार्यों पर निर्भर करता है।
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