75+ New Funny Attitude Status/Quotes for FB/IG/WhatsApp 2023

Oliver Jay

Ee will maintain the alpha male attitude but in a funny sarcastic way so that the ladies keeps on entrained by these funny attitude status.

 "Eat right, exercise, die anyway." 
most best Funny Attitude Status.
As a student, it may seem that the solution to a problem is never the one you had in mind.
"I'm not arguing; I'm explaining why I'm right." 
 "I'm not short; I'm fun size."

Funny Attitude Status

 "I see potential in people that others don't see." 

Spice you life with these amazing attitude status and Hindi status.

"I do what I want because I can." 
 "I'm not single; I'm just not emotionally available." 
"I'm not rude; I'm honest." 20. "I'm sorry for what I said when you pissed me off." 
 "I don't care what people think of me; I know what kind of person I am."
 "I'm an acquired taste, like cilantro or tequila." 
 "I'll never try to fit in; I was born to stand out."
 "I'm not a people person, but I'm a people watcher." 
"I'm an acquired taste, like cilantro or tequila." 
 "I'm sorry for what I said when you pissed me off." 
 "I love being alone, but I hate feeling lonely." 
 "I'm not a people person, but I'm a people watcher." 
 "I'm an acquired taste, like cilantro or tequila."
"I'll never try to fit in; I was born to stand out."
 "I'm not a procrastinator, I just wait until the last minute to do things." 
 "I'm sorry for what I said when I was Hangry.
Studies show that if you sleep in a closed room with a mosquito, then they can still draw blood. 

Funny Attitude Status in English

"I'm not weird; I'm a limited edition."
"I'm different, and that's bad."
Funny Attitude Status in English
 Good friends will share their umbrella. Best friends will take it and yell, "We're awesome."
A fine is the opposite of a tax; it's for doing wrong and a tax is for doing well.
In spite of how cruel this may be, not everyone will have a reaction to these comments. 
When they turned their volume to loud, nobody called for an entire day.
If you can’t convince them, confuse them.
Minds are like parachutes – the only way to survive is, paradoxically, by not thinking. 
Abstract paintings are beautiful even though you can’t understand them, just like girls. 
The alarm clock I count on most in the morning I don’t have an attitude problem. 
 You have the perception problem and that is not my problem.
I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be.
Don't be fooled by my social media posts, I'm still salty about my break-up. 
"I'm not saying it was your fault, but it definitely wasn't mine."
My biggest concern in life is actually how my friends know when I die if they follow me on social media and my blog.
 My love never sleeps - it searches for you as you sleep.
I drug myself with my bed and police myself with my alarm clock in order to get it.
 Getting older causes me to wake up later 
At first, a doctor diagnosed me with awesomeness.
 You should get checked out, but it probably isn't worth it since I don’t think you caught it.
 Don’t argue with the perfectionist.
 I wish I could mute the world.
Here’s what happened when I was so tired I fell asleep during the day. 
I never argue, I just explain why I'm correct. 

Funny Attitude Status for WhatsApp

"I'm not a morning person because mornings are terrible."
Funny Attitude Status for WhatsApp
"I'll never try to fit in; I was born to stand out."
I think the idea of females coming first is an outdated tradition. 
While you wait for the next generation, you can still enjoy this limited edition.
My opinions may have changed, but that doesn't mean that I am incorrect.
 Honestly, I’m not too sure how open minded you are. 
 Other people’s opinions about me are unimportant. 
 Embrace what you are and change what you want to.
This is the life that taught me a lot of lessons but I'm banking those classes.
 I took this drug test and my hair isn't going to work 
 I am allergic to crushing defeat.
 I’m fresh, but global warming has made me very hot.
I wish when I die people would say I was killed by bears, and not question it. 
Change is not something we all do; some just have an awakening.
 I need to go out to find myself.
 I have a talent in becoming tired quickly. 
Be unique like everyone else.
 I get mad at myself when other people don’t like me.
 My girlfriend keeps stealing my sweatshirts. 
 I would like to die with a last meal of soda and pop rocks. 
 I never argue, I just explain.
Comparison is a thief of joy.
 I am more than you think.
When I drink alcohol, people say you that an alcoholic, but when I drink Fanta it doesn’t seem to be quite as bad.”


  • Have you found that life is like playing Angry Birds?
  • Meet the person who said “Me and my wife live happily for 25 years and then we met…”
  • Friends who can be relied on when you are in trouble are rare.
  • “I’m not judging you, I’m just trying to understand why you’re so stupid.”
  • Your best friend will not just bail you out of jail, but enable you to enjoy the experience by sitting next to you feeling the excitement.
  • I’m too tired to become independent.
  • Get some sleep to dream hard.
  • It is said that both wife and insult always look good, if they don’t belong to you.
  • You can’t interact with God through prayer, so instead you just need to steal a bike and then ask for forgiveness.
  • Apples are a perfect way to keep people away, as they do so by being thrown hard enough.
  • Wealth is created when we scatter the golden grain of genius and innovation far and wide.
  • “Sometimes I misplace my cell phone and put it on silent mode.”
  • “I’m not a control freak, I’m a perfectionist.”
  • The marriage workshop that makes women feel like they’re in charge.
  • Now that I purchased a bag of chips, though, I see that air is not free at all.

These funny attitude status are just for you lions to achieve what they want.

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Heat Caster - Best Quotes Having Attitude Status

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