100+ Best I love You Quotes, Self Love Quotes, True Love Quotes, Valentines Day Quotes, Sad Love Quotes

Oliver Jay

Loving someone is like worshipping. Like a seed grows into a plant by making efforts daily in the same way put efforts to nourish your love. Love lines, valentine’s wishes, lines for making them feel special, lines to make them happy, love quotes. 

Valentines Day Quotes, Love Quotes in Hindi, Miss You Quotes, Sad Love Quotes

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Valentines Day Quotes, Love Quotes in Hindi, Miss You Quotes, Sad Love Quotes 2023

These quotes are amazing for cards, frames, home decor, and many more. The following LOVE quotes can fit anywhere where you want to add a tint of love. SPREAD LOVE using these beautiful quotes. 

1..Every time I see you, I forget my pains, the love gets again.

   Every time I see you, the glow gets double, I want to cuddle.

2 . Love is not easy,

     It is so breezy.

     It has ups and down,

     Tests you for its own.

3.  Love doesn’t demand.

     It only gives.

     Love doesn’t change

     It always remains.

     Love doesn’t let you down,

     It supports you from dusk to dawn.

     Love doesn’t tear you,

    It makes you strong.

    Love doesn’t make a sense,

    When it becomes intense❤️

4 . Love shines bright in the eyes.

    Makes you fly high in the sky.

    Love makes you smile a little more,

   Takes your pains away to the seashore.

5. You are my chocolate chip,

    I am your cheesy dip.

    You don’t dare to make flips,

    I will eat you like chips. 

6. Let my mystic dusk,

   Sink in your serene dawn.

    Blooming my Love. 

7.Love is the gateway to God. 

8. I feel your words 

    I feel you.

    Love me, darling,

    I need you.

Best Love Attitude quotes and love status

9. Loving you gives me joy,

    With you I enjoy it. 

    You are my loving boy,

    Please! Don’t be shy. 

10.You are my darling,

      No one can make us apart.

11.” LOVE”reminds me of you.

12.LOVE cannot be planned, it just happens. 

13.Makeie illegaliie

14 . I will love you when nobody will. 

15. When love becomes life, Life becomes so lovely. 

16.I love you so much that I feel the thunder of feelings you are going through! 


18. In the end, LOVE wins. 

19.LOVE, you, and a couple of roses. 

20.Love is a true blessing! 

21. Eternally, Infinitely, Unconditionally, You are my LOVE. 

22.Love takes us to peace.

     Love takes us to feel the best feelings.

     Love is a joy.

     Love is worship.

     Love is a thing to live. 

23.Love seeks no direction. 

24.Stay for a while, let me live this moment.

     Stay for a while, let me love you so deep.

25. I cannot drift from the thoughts that have you.

      I cannot open the eyes, that dreams you.

      I cannot skip a beat, my beats have you!!

26.Love teaches us to sacrifice.

    It gives us reasons to smile.

    Spreads happiness all around.

    Love is such a bright light.

27.Love is blind, it leaves everything behind. 

28.Love becomes the biggest strength when you have loved the right person. 

29. From dusk to dawn, I want to love you.

30. It is never enough to love you, my love.


32. Biggest blessing is loving someone and getting loved by the same person. 

33. I will love you until the sky meets this earth.

      I will love you until the dusk meets the dawn. 

      I will love you until the sun meets the moon.

34.Our fights are so cute,

     I keep uttering, 

     You are always mute.

35.Car to onn

36. BE my FOREVER.❤️

37.You are blood to my heart.

     You are such a sweetheart.

38. Be my sun, I will be your sunflower.

39.Some nights are made for love.

40.When you love someone, love selflessly.

41. Love makes you brave, love makes you enjoy little things. Love makes to smile at yourself. Love makes you love yourself. 

42. If you are lost in love.  LOVE will be there to protect you. 

43. Self-love is the biggest love. 

44. Love is friendship.

       “Pyar Dosti hai !! “

45.The most real form of love is MOTHER’s LOVE. 

46. LOVE !!!!!!!! 

      Is not just a word,

      It’s a feeling of selflessness.

      It’s a feeling of sacrifice.

      It’s a feeling of forgiving.

      It’s a feeling of giving happiness.

      It’s a feeling of taking pains.

       It’s a feeling to stay always.

        It’s a feeling to never give up.

       It’s a feeling to love always. 

      It’s a feeling to stand strong.

      It’s a feeling to be felt ……

      LOVE is the only we can earn, without spending money !! 

      It’s a thing to give, and feel !!

      A wonderful feeling, a feeling full of feelings !! 

47.The love that you don’t get, is the love that you don’t deserve! 💔


The day you became mine, was the day I was completed !! 


When you are with me,

seems like the world has knocked me down to my knees. 

When you hold my hands,

seems like I am in the safest hands.

When you stand beside me,

seems like I m the bravest one! 

When you see me,

seems like I am the prettiest one! 

With you, I always feel special, I always feel happy !! 


He left me in grief,


  He came and held all my broken parts to set a more beautiful frame than before.



Have read in stories,

                        “true love never vanishes “

    I fell in love, and understood !!! 

52.And I turned around that day

    And I found you that day! 

 I was so happy, I was so bright that day,

   Because I found you that day.

   We talked, we laughed, we cried that day,

   Because I found you that day.

 That day was the day,

       When leaving you became impossible,

   That day was the day,

         When my love became so deeper !!! 

53.Was it love? 

Or just a moment of time! 

I blinked my eyes,

And found you left far behind 💔


Look a little more into my eyes,

I long to feel the warmth.

Kiss me a little slow,

I dream to be in your arms.

Love me a little more,

I am dying inside.

It’s too long we are away,

let me bring that charm.

55.My love for you wasn’t that “love at first sight “

But it was the “love without a sight “.

I fell in love with your voice, with your words, and with your purity #facebookvalapyar 

56. It’s about who came and never left. 

57. Love doesn’t make us apart. You did.

58.Relationships don’t work just with big words. They get nourished with small acts and lots of love.

59. For love, nothing else matters.

60. If I love you, I worship you.

61. Love is an irresistible desire, to be irresistibly desired.

62.Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

63.LOVE has some madness. Love has something that drives you crazy.

64.LOVE is sharing your chocolate.

65.Love is beautiful, when you love them, the way they are!

66. Love is a teacher that makes you what you never were.

67. Love makes you the better version of yourself.

68.dark and darker ness

69.To be your friend, was all I ever wanted. To be your lover was all I ever dreamed.

70.Love cares and takes away all the fears.

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